The day has finally come!
I have waited WEEKS to get my hands on the IKEA Trofast system for our homeschool room.
As I’m sure y’all know, IKEA has basically been out of everything for pretty much a year now.
(Which I suppose could be argued as good because, no more impulse buying?)
But the day finally came! They had it in stock so I RAN there to grab one!
I’ve heard so many good things about the Trofast system and homeschool organization, so it was something I knew I needed to get my hands on ASAP.
We brought it home, and I may or may not have stayed up until 1 a.m. putting it together out of excitement.

All the homeschool manipulatives
As I’m sure all of you know, it’s hard to not buy every manipulative you see for your homeschool stash. I know for myself, I’ve bought maybe a bit too many…
When I started organizing the Trofast I immediately understood the hype of it.
Nothing laying out, getting lost, or just being forgotten about. Having them all in three drawers is so perfect!

Especially for all of the tiny pieces, like dice, this makes it so much easier to make sure everything has a place!
Something I didn’t really consider until I had it all organized was, the ease of having my son grab the item he needs himself!
It’s right at his height and easy to find!

the art supplies debacle
Does anyone else have an obscene amount of art supplies?
Just me?
Well, I had to find somewhere to store all of this, I could just imagine the spilled paint and lost brushes if I just left the art supplies sitting out.
I ended up taking up 2/3 of the Trofast just for art supplies!

Keeping all the supplies together I’ve found the Trofast also makes it much easier to grab what we need for our lessons that day, rather than searching around.
And as shallow as this sounds, it’s much more aesthetic.
I know, I know.
We shouldn’t design a learning environment around aesthetics alone.
But, I really didn’t want clutter sitting about!
Having it all tucked away makes the room look so much cleaner!

that billy bookcase though…
I’m still eyeballing the Billy bookcase to store all of our books.
On top of the Trofast, I do put out the books we’re using in lessons for the week, which is nice!
But, we have so many other books that we read throughout the year, and I really need somewhere to store them.
I’m hoping the Billy joins our family soon!